Monday, February 18, 2008


I think why some people support globalisation is because of the hefty sum of money that they will profit, and no doubt this people are the rich. This may be the cause of why the gap between the rich and the poor are widening - rich people owns more property which would give them more profit while the poor labour hard work for just a few dollars which does not go far in today's society ( they work for the rich ). But I also think that the cause of globalisation is due to sheer greed, greedy to be the best which leads to invention and soon after globalisation.

Why should the poor work long hours and get a small pay while the rich are actually having more of the benefit when they already have more than enough money to support themselves and their family?

Supporters of globalisation maybe those who are actually making money out of it. Of course, who would not support something that would bring money to their doorstep? Others may also support globalisation as the world is developing at such a fast rate that any brief cease in trade, invention, etc, would leave them far behind from the developing countries and catching up would prove a tough job to do. Hence, not wanting to fall behind, globalisation is much appreciated. It is like a race that has no finishing point.

But having billions and billions of people in the world, there are bound to have some people that would think otherwise. One of the cons of globalisation would be grave adverse impact on those who lack in trade, invention, etc. Adverse impacts sufferings are much more serious than those who are benefitting handsomely from globalisation. Those who oppose globalisation may feel that globalisation has led them beyond rescue - poverty and later on an epidemic due to the lack of funds globalisation had on them thus not being able to build a country's necessities such as proper sanitations. These people would than think that the extinction of globalisation would benefit all rather than the existance of globalisation that we all thought was good.

I, myself, oppose the issue of the topic to a certain extent. Globalisation has led to me having the lifestyle that I enjoy today and also invention such as a cure for once thought incurable disease. Globalisation has also made everything around us more easier such as aeroplane which made travelling a lot more efficient and faster. But the negative impacts weighs more than the positive impacts. Countries have become poorer which can lead to resentment between countries which gives rise to tension which would lead to war that is unfavourable. People are also starving and having disease just beacause of the lack of funds to have agriculture and proper sanitation. And the root of all this problems is globalisation.

I would rather lose globalisation and have a slight drop in my living standards to help those who are in real need of help, those that have fallen into a trap because of globalisation.

1 comment:

Her Highness said...

I was wondering what you would be willing to give up: transportation, communication or Transnational Corporations?